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Join Our Network!

We're Giving Literacy a Complete Makover!

Help us build an army of confident readers! It's no secret that readers are leaders. If you could help improve literacy in your neighborhood, make money and not upset what you are already doing, would you want to know about it? Let's face it, your community admires you. You are a role model, so let's use your power of attraction to inspire leadership.

How Does It Work?

As a Mobile Reading Boutique/Shop owner, you will receive our books at a 40% discount with the rights to sell at full market price. Unlike any other product you may currently offer, we will use our events and social media connections to help promote your business or organization for improving literacy within your neighborhoods. By setting up shop, authors will send customers to you. Imagine doing what you are already great at, but receiving a knock on your door from a customer in need of a product you did not have to create. We make the books, you provide the shopping experience. & of course your patrons will want to support your new shop. You can create new readers and collect a profit, just by providing what the world can't get enough of...books! Click the link to get your starter kit today!

Step 2

Once your order arrives, just setup shop within your shop. Put your books on your bookcase and spread the word.

Step 3

Collect your profits from your new readers. Post pics and use the hashtag #brainsnbeauty #brainsnbeams

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How does the pay work?
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